Meaning of Life

Meaning of Life what truly is the meaning of life? everyone feels purpose differently, for some the meaning is to take every opportunity and create core memories. for others its about self sacrifice and giving, dedicating themselves to service others and their needs. for the rest, its everything in between, finding a balance between living… Continue reading Meaning of Life


sometimes life can feel ever so lonely, you come into this world by yourself, you learn, you grow, you live and one day you go off by yourself, so all that you ever truly had all along was just yourself.  but along the way we learn to not to be so lonely.  we gather people, from… Continue reading Lonely


To be loved. And to love. That is all I want. That is all I have.  To care with every ounce of my heart.To become the light in the utmost darkness.  To fiercely protect with all my being.To spend an eternity just giving. To listen to the music of words.To bring upon the brightest smiles.… Continue reading Love

A Day To Remember

18th May. A day to remember the countless lives lost in a battle for the freedom to live and breathe another day, in a land they could call theirs. It’s a moment to honour and remember the countless lives that were lost, the countless sacrifices that were made and the countless tears that were shed… Continue reading A Day To Remember

A Complicated Relationship

One of the things that I’ve always found fascinating is the way life works, because in so many ways, as much as we have control and choice to do as we wish, so many things are beyond our control. And one of those is the body you find yourself in. It’s the little physical things… Continue reading A Complicated Relationship

How Can I Say Goodbye?

Goodbyes are hard.  I wasn’t prepared to just walk away. To walk away from the city that built me into the person I am today, to walk away from the room that was my sanctuary for so long and to walk away from people who mean the world to me.  And yet I had to. … Continue reading How Can I Say Goodbye?

A Journey of Self-Healing

We have all got stories.We have all got pain.We have all got things that have changed us in unimaginable ways.  We have all had to climb our own mountains.We have all had to swim against the current. We have all had to travel along our own path and carry on fighting. And that makes us all… Continue reading A Journey of Self-Healing

Thirteen Years

It’s been thirteen years since you chose to do what you did. It’s been thirteen years since you decided to leave me and everyone else behind. It’s been thirteen years since you broke me into pieces and left me to pick it all up.  And I did. I managed to pick up the pieces and… Continue reading Thirteen Years